Homework for the Journey
From time to time, we all need to externalize and write out what it is we are going through, longing for, or have already overcome. Feel free to browse through our collection of resources
Assessing Your Parent’s Emotional Immaturity
This worksheet identifies potential signs of emotional immaturity in parental relationships.
Assessing Your Childhood Difficulties with an Emotionally Immature Parent
Emotional immaturity shows itself most clearly in relationships, especially between a parent and child. Read through the following statements, and check off all that reflect your childhood experience.
DSM-TR Changes
This presentation discusses the new changes to the DSM-TR.
IFS: Find, Focus On, and Flesh Out a Target Part
This exercise walks you through the process of locating a target part, and addresses the first three steps in IFS.
Cultural and Social Norms of Grief
Think about a recent loss in your life—it can be the death of a person or some other type of loss, such as a friendship ending, a divorce, losing your home or job, or even a natural disaster. Write about that experience below.
Applying the Five Stages of Grief to My Experiences with Racism
This exercise encourages you to think about an experience with racism you have had recently.
My Own History Lesson Plan for the History of Racism
This exercise explores four of the many roots of racism in the US. Write about the thoughts, emotions, and questions that are coming up for you about these.
What Did I Learn About the History of Racism?
This exercise explores how much you were taught about racism and what you learned.
Gottman Date 1 Exercise- How Much Do You Actually Cherish Your Partner?
These eight dates lead you through the essential conversations with your partner.