Our Teams
At Humantold, we understand how difficult it can be embarking upon a new endeavor. Our process is designed to help you find a clinician who is the right fit for your personality and treatment needs. If the provider you are working with is not working for you, for whatever the reason, our support staff will assist you in matching with a provider better suited to you.
Listed below are the clinicians and staff of Humantold Psychotherapy, Carnegie Hill Psychiatry, and Humantold Management.
Aaron Rodwin
/air-un rod-win/
LCSW, Clinical Supervisor
I believe we all have the capacity to evolve, and transform the ways in which we navigate, and derive meaning from the experiences we encounter on our life journey.
Abigail Smith
/ah-buh-gayl s-myth/
Mental Health Counselor
Life's difficulties can feel isolating, but you don't have to be alone; allow me to support you through your journey to reclaim the life you want to live
Adrienne Gorman
/ad-ree-en gor-muhn/
Licensed Master Social Worker
Therapy is an adventure that requires two people working on similar goals.
Alexandra Kadish
/al-ig-zan-druh kay-dish/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
I view each client as the author of their own story. I am committed to understanding your specific context, as we journey together towards healing.
Alexis Carmody
/uh-lex-sis car-mud-dee/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, 'I'm possible!'"
Alexis Hernandez
/uh-lex-iz her-nan-dez/
Mental Health Counselor
Seeking therapy is a brave step, and I look forward to working together collaboratively to make a significant difference.
Amelia Hall
/uh-mee-lee-uh hahl/
Licensed Master Social Worker
I aim to be an empathetic and understanding support for you on your process towards health and well-being.
Amna Adamjee
/am-nah a-dum-jee/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor
You deserve to feel empowered and unlock your potential.
Amy Li
Mental Health Counselor
Growth means learning that all emotions have a place in our story; I am here to support you in learning how to accept and embrace the pieces of your story.
Andrea Brunetti
/an-dree-uh broo-net-ee/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, Office Manager-MIA
There is tremendous freedom in not believing every thought we have. Understand that we are the thinker of our thoughts, not the thought itself.
Anuradha (Anu) Singh
/ah-new-rah-da sing/
Mental Health Counselor
Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery - Dumbledore
Ashley Aulestia
/ash-lee ow-les-tee-ah/
Mental Health Counselor
Your struggles make sense, truly. You are trying to navigate your journey as best as you can and I am here to support you without judgment.
Asya Latifoglu Caglar
/us-yuh luh-teef-oh-loo/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
"The wound is the place where the light enters" - Rumi
Ayhanna Williams
/ay-han-uh wil-yuhms/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
My goal is to support your overall health and prosperity, with empathy and compassion.
Benjamin Young
/ben-juh-min yung/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, Office Manager-BK
I create a calm and compassionate environment that helps you cultivate inner clarity, patience, and a sense of direction.
Blair Luedke
/bl-air lud-key/
Mental Health Counselor
I’m passionate about women’s health and supporting individuals across the dynamic lifespan. As a queer-affirming, social justice-driven clinician, I am open to working with all genders and identities, creating a safe, inclusive environment.
Breanna Trowbridge
Mental Health Counselor
"The ability to be vulnerable and let go of shame is the cornerstone of mental health. It’s in our connection to others that we heal and find strength." -Brene Brown
Brennan Spector
/bre-nin speck-tur/
Mental Health Counselor
“You must be filled with expectancy. You must be awash in hope. You must wonder who will love you, whom you will love next.”-Kate DiCamillo
Brianna Campbell
/bree-ah-nuh kam-buhl/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
This is where psychological expertise, meets your personal style, vision, and goals. Together we will create a wellness plan that feels meaningful, attainable, and tailor-made.
Brianna Costantino
/bree-on-uh kast-an-tee-no/
Mental Health Counselor
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” - Carl Rogers
Brianna Foppiano
/bree-an-uh fuh-pee-ah-no/
Mental Health Counselor
It's an awful risky thing to live -Carl Rogers
Briony Pittaway
/bry- uh-nee pit-a-way/
LMHC, Chief Clinical Supervisor, Office Manager-MAD
"It is never too late to be what you might have been"
Caitlin Armstrong
/kayt-lin ahrm-strawng/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
I believe that we all have the potential to live authentic and full lives. We each have the power to ground ourselves, reconnect with others, and give ourselves compassion.
Carlyn Traina-Kane
/car-lin tray-nuh kayn/
Mental Health Counselor
"No matter whom you are, or what you do, the ground is always shaky. And, the really good news is that shaky ground is fertile ground for spiritual growth and awakening." -Pema Chodron
Carmen Ramos
/kaar-muhn rah-mohs/
Mental Health Counselor, CCTPI believe anyone can change, regardless of how they started in life. You do not have to feel defined or restrained by your mistakes, past, disorders, flaws, or family.
Charlette Yan
/shar-let yahn/
Mental Health Counselor
The landscape you went through and those that went through you constitute you.
Cheryl Lim
/sherr-ol lim/
LMHC, Director of Tech and Compliance Operations
I'll meet you where you are, providing support as you journey toward authenticity, freedom, and personal growth.
Chioma Ofodile
/choh-ma aw-foh-dee-le/
Mental Health Counselor
A nurturing community is the foundation of health and wealth. Let me be a part of yours.
Christina Arceri
/krihs-tee-nuh ar-seer-ee/
LMHC, Chief Clinical Officer (CCO)
Therapy that recognizes your whole self.
Danah AlGhamdi
/dah-nuh al-gham-dee/
Mental Health Counselor
Creating spaces for growth, one conversation at a time.
Daniel (Danny) Ambrose
/da-nee am-brohz/
Mental Health Counseling Intern
Empowering self-discovery, healing, and growth through culturally responsive, inclusive care that honors your unique journey and life experiences.
Daniel Lee
/dan-yuhl lee/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor
"It is a joy to be hidden and a disaster not to be found" - D.W. Winnicott
Danielle Louis
/dan-yell loo-es/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
"Life is not always easy, let's journey through the twists and turns together. This is your time and place to prioritize yourself, and I would be honored to support you through it all!" -
Deanna Aliperti
/dee-an-uh al-ee-per-tee/
“Life is alchemy, and emotions are the fire that turns me to gold. If I can sit in the fire of my own feelings, I will keep becoming.” -Glennon Doyle
Diana Naftal
/dy-a-nuh naf-tal/
LCSW, Clinical Supervisor
Feel better first; doing better will follow
Doonya Tabibi
/doon-yuh tuh-bee-bee/
Mental Health Counseling Intern
"Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It's tough to do that when we're terrified about what people might see or think." - Brené Brown
Dr. Pamela Giambona
/pam-eh-luh jee-am-boh-nuh/
Licensed Psychologist
It’s never overreacting to ask for what you want and need. ― Amy Poehler
Eleonora Odes
/eleo-no-ra o-de-s/
Psychologist, PhD
Please join me on an incredible journey of growth and change- let's build a courageous relationship to do just that together !
Elizabeth (Liz) Capobianco
/ee-liz-uh-beth kah-poh-bee-ahn-koh/
Psychology Extern
Insight, Healing, Growth.
Elizabeth Savettiere
/e-liz-uh-beth sav-a-tear/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Those seeking therapy are not weak. It takes a tremendous amount of emotional strength and courage to open up about your struggles.
Elizabeth Sytnik
/eh-liz-uh-beth s-ih-t-n-ah-k/
Mental Health Counselor
I am here to provide you with nonjudgmental support, compassion, and unconditional acceptance as you enter this journey of self-exploration.
Emily Cowling
/em-uh-lee cow-ling/
Mental Health Counselor
"A joyful life is an individual creation that cannot be copied from a recipe."- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Emma Distler
/em-uh dihst-ler/
Mental Health Counselor
"In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn." -Phil Collins
Era Ji
/yoo-ahn "e-rah" jee/
Mental Health Counseling Intern
"Human freedom involves our capacity to pause, to choose the one response toward which we wish to throw our weight"-Rollo May
Fatemah Dhirani
/fa-te-ma di-ra-ni/
LMHC, Intern Education Manager, Clinical Supervisor, EMDR
Empowering You with Support, Compassion, and Evidence-Based Care
Geraldine Salazar
/jeh-ruhl-deen sal-ah-zah/
Mental Health Counseling Intern
"Your body will remember your generational trauma, but it will also remember your generational healing." - Dr. Mariel Buqué
Gomattie Bell
/go-ma-dee bel/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor
Taking the first steps to tend to your mental health needs can be intimidating and overwhelming. I’m here to be your compass, cheerleader and partner in exploration and growth.
Gulsanam Azieva
/gull-sah-nahm ah-zee-vah/
Mental Health Counselor
Sometimes the hardest thing is just taking that first step. But once you do, you’ll enter a world of possibility.
Isha Kumar
/ee-shaa koo-maar/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” - Brene Brown
Jacklyn Cheng
/jak-lin che-ng/
Mental Health Counselor
Together, we will honor where you’ve been, explore where you are, and create a path toward where you want to go. Let’s give it a try—one step at a time!
James Clementi
/jay-mz kle-men-tee/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, Employee Relations Director
You have the answers you're looking for within yourself; I'm here to help you find them, hear them and access them to gain the tools you need to heal.
Janay Bailey
/juh-ney bay-lee/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor
Find your balance, embrace your journey by aligning your mind, body, and spirit.
Jasmine Jackson
/jaz-muhn jax-suhn/
Mental Health Counselor
Supporting healing, growth, and self-discovery in a safe and compassionate space. Empowering you to navigate life’s challenges with clarity, resilience, and hope.
Javier Moreira
/ha-vee-air mo-ray-rah/
LMHC, PhD, Clinical Supervisor, Office Manager-5th
“The greatest gift you can give someone is the space to be his or her authentic self.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Jennifer Batelic
/jen-ih-fur bat-tell-ick/
“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” Maya Angelou
Jessica Armanious
/jes-i-kuh arm-on-ee-us/
Psychology Extern
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. - Viktor E. Frankl
Jessica Ermilio
/jeh-sih-kuh err-mill-ee-oh/
Testing Department Director, PsyD
It is a joy to be hidden and a disaster not to be found. – D.W. Winnicott
Jonathan Vargas
/john-uh-thun var-guhs/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, Resources and Training Department Director
How we speak about our lives shape who we were, who we are, and who we will become. Healing starts by choosing to not let anyone tell it for you.
Julianna (Juli) Walchuk
/joo-lee wal-chuk/
Mental Health Counselor
I am eager to support you and create an environment where you can be both vulnerable and brave.
Kali Ryan
/kay-lee rye-un/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
As a receptive thinker and compassionate listener, I’ll join you on your unique journey of healing and growth.
KaLisa Moore
/kuh-lee-suh moor/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor
“I can’t promise to fix all your problems, but I can promise, you won’t have to face them alone.” -unknown
Karen Veintimilla
/ca-ren vein-ti-miya/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, Office Manager- FiDi
"I have great respect for the past. If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going." - Maya Angelou
Karolina Lupinska
/ka-rol-leen-ah lu-pin-skah/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Clinical Supervisor
I believe every individual has the ability to reach their fullest potential; in a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space, one can be free to explore, heal, and grow.
Katelyn Leong
/kate-lin lee-ahng/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
My goal is to support you in navigating both the familiar and uncharted territories of the mind. It is an honor to accompany you in your journey toward healing.
Kayla Kalousdian
/kay-la ka-lou-s-di-an/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor
Discovering and improving upon your inner strength will allow you to conquer any challenges you may face.
Keiasia Holeman
/kay-juh - hole-man- months/
Mental Health Counselor
The seeds you plant today determine the harvest you reap tomorrow
Kendra Bispham-Evelyn
/ken-druh bis-fam eve-lin/
Mental Health Counselor
Your story matters, and each step toward understanding yourself is an act of courage. I’m here to support you through life’s complexities and help you find clarity, healing, and hope.
Kirti Sinha
/kee-r-ti sin-ha/
Mental Health Counselor
You are the expert of your own life, and my intention in the therapeutic space is to walk alongside you on your journey rather than lead the way.
Kristina Damiano
/kris-tee-na dam-ee-yann-o/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
"I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become." - Carl Jung
Kristjana McCarthy
/kris-tee-ahna mick-kar-thee/
Mental Health Counselor, Clinical Supervisor
We all have the power to heal from our past, live in the present, and shape our future.
Kwashee Totimeh
/qua-she toe-ta-meh/
Mental Health Counselor
Empowering multicultural communities to heal, grow, and thrive through compassion and connection.
Laura Kiernan
/lor-uh keer-nan/
Mental Health Counselor
I uphold a collaborative environment and create individualized treatment plans based on the unique needs and values of my clients.
Lauren Prendergast
/law-rin pren-dur-gas-t/
Mental Health Counselor
The greatest gift you can give yourself is the permission to heal.
Lauren Salzano
/law-ren sal-za-no/
Licensed Master Social Worker
Your journey starts here—because sometimes talking to your cat just isn’t enough.
Lillian (Lila) Deuschle
/lie-luh do-shell/
Mental Health Counselor
“Healing involves the restoration of balance within the body, the mind, and the heart.” -Bessel van der Kolk
Lisa Siclari
/lee-suh sih-klar-ee/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, Office Manager-WC
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” - Viktor Frankl
Lyndsay Fee
/lin-zé fé/
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
My practice is dedicated to helping clients feel more connected to themselves, to the world and to the life they want to live.
Macaul Hodge
/muh-call h-ah-j/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
"Your life is your story. Write well. Edit often." ― Susan Statham
Mads Bukiet
/mads boo-ket/
Mental Health Counselor
Let's explore together.
Maggie Shi
/ma-gee she/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
I strive to provide a non-judgmental, supportive environment in which clients feel safe to express their innermost thoughts and feelings.
Margaret Bass
/mahr-gur-it ba-ss/
Mental Health Counselor
“The root of contradiction is the division between the thinker and the thought.” I hope to provide the opportunity for vulnerability, discovery, and healing on this journey.
Marielis Tavarez
/mar-i-el-lis ta-var-ez/
Mental Health Counselor
The best way out is always through ~ Robert Frost
Marina Tormey
/ma-ree-na tor-mee/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being" - Carl Jung
Mary Zottoli
/mair-e zaht-toll-e/
Mental Health Counselor
Show yourself the compassion you show others. You deserve kindness and care too.
Maryia (Mary) Bokhan
/mah-ree-yuah boh-khuhn/
Mental Health Counselor
Challenges may arise, but there is always a way forward. I’m here to help you navigate them, welcoming you as you are without judgment of your choices, experiences, or self.
Mason Dana
/may-son day-na/
Mental Health Counselor
“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation” - bell hooks
Matt Cohen
/mat ko-en/
Mental Health Counseling Intern
“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.” - Carl Rogers
Megan Wessler
/may-gan wess-lur/
Mental Health Counselor
Anything that's human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. - Fred Rogers
Melissa Fingado
/muh-liss-uh fin-gah-doh/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
No matter your reason for starting therapy, I am honored to be a part of your journey toward better understanding yourself.
Melissa Liu
/muh-liss-uh lee-yoo/
Mental Health Counselor
“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.” - Brené Brown
Michael Bohuski
/my-kuhl bo-huh-ski/
Mental Health Counselor, CCTP-1
"Difficulties are things that show a person what they are." -Epictetus
Michelle Lee
/mi-shell lee/
Mental Health Counseling Intern
“It is a beautiful experience being with ourselves at a level of complete acceptance … a peace will come over you as you have never known.” - Ruth Fishel
Mina Cuhadar
/mee-n-ah ch-uu-h-ah-d-ah-r/
Mental Health Counseling Intern
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.
Morgan Dominguez
/mor-gen doh-ming-gehz/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, CST, EMDR
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new."
Nadia Hakim
/nah-dee-ah hah-keem/
Mental Health Counseling Intern
People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset I don't find myself saying "Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds -Carl Rogers
Nadia Lyall
/nah-dee-uh liy- ull/
Mental Health Counselor
I’m here to meet you where you are, with curiosity, compassion, and space for all you’re feeling.
Nayera Elsayed
/nay-air-uh el-say-ed/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, EMDR
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nori Yagami
/noh-ree yah-gah-mee/
Mental Health Counselor
“Much of psychology is based on the consequences of early life experiences, attachment, and nurturance, because these formative years shape the brain’s foundational understanding of the world." - Hawkins
Rachel Blau
/ray-chuhl bl-ow/
Mental Health Counselor
“Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” -Rainer Maria Rilke
Rachel Relkin
/ray-chuhl rehl-kin/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, Supervisor Support Coordinator
"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives". Decide that you want it more than you're afraid of it.
Rachel Shiff
/ray-chuhl shiff/
Licensed Master Social Worker
Healing doesn’t have to mean doing it alone.
Rita Aliperti
/ree-tuh al-ee-per-tea/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, Office Manger- QU
"Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful parts of us." -David Richo
Robert Lynch
/roh-bert linch/
Mental Health Counselor
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. — Dr. Wayne Dyer
Samantha Fitzgerald
/say-m fits-jare-uld/
Mental Health Counselor
Meeting people where they are.
Sarah Kinane
/sair-uh ke-naine/
Mental Health Counselor
We don't know what we don't know - my goal is for us to discover more together.
Sarah Morris
/sair-rah more-ris/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor
"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives. " Akshay Dubey
Sarah Westbay
/sah-ruh west-bay /
Mental Health Counseling Intern
What is meant for you will not miss you.
Shamara Nicholas
/shuh-mar-uh nik-uh-luhs/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Mental health is just as important as physical health. Seeking therapy shows courage in acknowledging ones limits and obtaining support to gain the ideal healing one’s body and mind deserve.
Shayne Snyder
/sha-in sny-dur/
Mental Health Counselor
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."- Tolkien
Shengzi Sun
/shen-ng-zi s-ool-n/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
It’s about you. And, it’s about you realizing you have it all within you.
Sheridan Bascombe
/share-ih-din baa-scuhm/
Mental Health Counselor
Painful emotions and circumstances may feel permanent, but therapy reminds us that no feeling lasts forever, and together, we can build a path toward hope and healing
Stephanie Gomez
/stef-uh-nee goh-mehz/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Your mental health is a journey filled with many trails, bumps, and winding roads. I'm here to support and supply you with the tools you'll need to lead this journey.
Stephanie Okori
/stef-uh-nee oh-kor-ee/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Helping you uncover your true self and embrace the person you were always meant to be.
Stephany Marie Perez
/steh-fuh-nee perr-ez/
Mental Health Counseling Intern
“With authenticity and understanding, the possibilities for growth are unlimited”
Steve Akchayan
/steev ak-chay-uhn/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, Director of Auditing
Therapy is about progress, not perfection. Let's work together to turn challenges into opportunities for growth and transformation. Healing starts here.
Sumantha Sen
/sue-man-tha s-en/
Licensed Master Social Worker, PhD
If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete - Buddha
Tashanee Edwards
/ta-shuh-nee ehd-werdz/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, NCC
“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” — Fred Rogers
Tashay Anderson
/tuh-shay an-duhr-suhn/
Mental Health Counselor
Any unwanted thoughts and behaviors that were learned in your childhood can be unlearned. You have the potential to re-write your own story.
Tatiana Blechman
/tah-tee-ah-nuh blek-man/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Where self-discovery meets lasting transformation.
Tori Williams
/taw-ree wil-ymz/
LMHC, Clinical Supervisor
"Caring for yourself is not self indulgence, it’s self preservation.”- Audre Lorde
Venus Ho
/vee-nhus hoh/
Licensed Master Social Worker
Healing begins the moment we feel truly seen and accepted as our authentic selves.
Wei Zhang
/way zh-ahng/
Mental Health Counselor
It's all about perspectives.
Whittney Young
/wit-nee yuh-ng/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
The journey to your authentic self is where true growth begins.
Yifan Jin
/ee-fahn jin/
Mental Health Counselor
Let's look inward, for a better outlook on life.
Yiming Yuan
/yee-ming yu-ahn/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Life is given a shape that extends back in the past and forward into the future.
Yinuo Cheng
/ooee-no-ho-hoh chehng/
Mental Health Counselor
The meaning of living can be found in every moment you feel blessed.
Yiran Sun
/yee-ran soo-un/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
As we are creative beings, our lives become our work of art. ― Julia Cameron
Yuliya Sherlis
/yuu-lee-yah sher-lee-s/
Mental Health Counselor
"You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star" -Friedrich Nietzsche
Zeenat Davis
/zee-nat day-vis/
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
I advocate for social justice because receiving equity and compassion should not be treated as privileges when they are actually human rights.
Zeist Rizvi
/zee-st riz-vee/
Mental Health Counselor
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. — Christopher Robin
Zenna Mould
/zen-na moul-d/
Mental Health Counselor
What matters isn't if people are good or bad. What matters is if they're trying to be better today than they were yesterday (The Good Place)
Psychiatry & Assessment
Dawn Yunus
/don yu-nus/
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
"Self-care is how you take your power back" - Lalah Delia
Dr. Stephanie Tiell
/steph-a-nee tee-ul/
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be- Lao Tzu
Dr.Landon Coleman
/lan-din co-le-man/
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Without guidance, people fail; with many counselors, there is victory. Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a good word makes it glad. (Proverbs 11:14, 12:25)
Elizabeth (Liz) Capobianco
/ee-liz-uh-beth kah-poh-bee-ahn-koh/
Psychology Extern
Insight, Healing, Growth.
Jessica Armanious
/jes-i-kuh arm-on-ee-us/
Psychology Extern
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
Jessica Ermilio
/jeh-sih-kuh err-mill-ee-oh /
PsyD, Testing Department Director
It is a joy to be hidden and a disaster not to be found. – D.W. Winnicott
Karissa Stevens
/kah-riss-uh stee-vens/
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
"Food is our common ground, a universal experience."
LouAngelo Jorge
/loo-aan-jeh-loh hor-hay/
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
"Healing minds, restoring balance. Compassionate psychiatric care that empowers your journey to mental wellness through evidence-based treatment and dedicated support."
Mary Mazgaj
/mair-ee maz-guy/
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
"Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we'll ever do." - Brené Brown
Matthew Twomey
/math-you too-mee/
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
“The best way out is always through.” --Robert Frost
Natalie Calegari
/nat-uh-lee kah-leh-gah-ree/
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
"The secret is not to chase butterflies. It's to take care of your garden so that they come to you." - Mario Quintana
Pamela Giambona
/pam-eh-luh jee-am-boh-nuh/
Testing Psychologist
It’s never overreacting to ask for what you want and need. ― Amy Poehler
Sarah Kinane
/sair-uh ki-nane/
Testing Technician
We don’t know what we don’t know - my goal is for us to discover more together.
Stephanie Spielberger
/stef-uh-nee spiel-burg-er/
Testing Psychologist
“Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.” ― Shannon L. Alder
Victoriya Slavich
/vik-toh-ree-yuh slah-vitch/
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” A.A. Milne
Yvette Karvay
/ee-vet kɑr-vei/
Testing Technician
Powerful is our need to be known, really known by ourselves and others, even if only for a moment - Carl Rogers
Support Staff
Alexandria S
Intake Assistant
Alexandria S
I have over 6 years of customer service experience. I'm interested in expanding my knowledge on mental health in order to better assist others. When I am not working, I enjoy nature, long drives and reading.
Alison B
Insurance Biller (She/Her)
Alison B
I have over 30 years experience in all aspects of medical billing. I enjoy traveling, spending time with my daughters and cheering on my grandson at his baseball games.
Allie M
Client Service Specialist (She/Her)
Allie M
With over 9 years of experience in customer service, I take pride in my skills of problem-solving and fostering positive relationships. I’m driven by a passion for helping and encouraging others, always striving to make a difference in people’s lives. Outside of work, I enjoy hiking with my husband and dogs, baking, spending time at the beach, and exploring my creative side through various projects.
Andrea R
Billing Director (She/Her)
Andrea R
I am an experienced medical biller with over 30 years in the medical field. I am passionate about client care and improving outcomes. I enjoy working collaboratively with all our teams and continuously learning to stay current with industry advancements. When I am not at work, I enjoy traveling and spending time with my husband, 3 sons, and our dogs.
Anna V
Human Resources & Payroll Specialist (She/Her)
Anna V
My role is to assist and ensure employees feel supported whether it's through onboarding, accurate payroll or that they have access to all their benefits. I'm always looking for ways to make things easier for the employees and the company. My goal is to have a healthy work culture from the start.
Audrey C
Administrative Specialist
Audrey C
I am an experienced financial accountant with more than 20 years of experience in the corporate setting. I have extensive experience in mutual funds, hedge funds, financial analysis and billing and reporting .I love spending time with my family, gardening, watching movies and walking.
Brandy B
Client Service Specialist (She/Her)
Brandy B
I have 5 years of experience in administration and 11 years in the medical field. This journey has equipped me with the tools to provide excellent customer service. I’m also a proud mom of four kids who are all active in various sports. I love being with my family and cheering them on at their activities.
Cari Q
Assistant Billing Director (She/Her)
Cari Q
I prioritize accuracy, transparency, and clear communication. I ensure claims are processed efficiently and in compliance with all regulations. With over 20 years of experience, I understand the complexities of billing and work to minimize errors, so providers and patients can focus on quality care. I stay updated on industry standards to confidently handle challenging cases and aim to make the billing process as smooth and stress-free as possible for everyone involved.
Casey R
Intake Assistant (She/her)
Casey R
I have 10 years of experience working in Customer Service. I am an experienced Personal Trainer and Health Coach. I also have experience in leadership from 6 years of leadership service in the US Army. I enjoy working with customers and patients daily.
Charissa S
Senior Billing Specialist
Charissa S
I have over 25 years of medical billing experience. I enjoy reading in my spare time.
Danielle W
Client Service Specialist Team Lead (She/Her)
Danielle W
With over 20 years of experience in administrative and customer service roles, I excel in dynamic environments by bringing professionalism, adaptability, and a personal touch to everything I do. My outgoing nature and love for making others laugh allow me to create positive, meaningful interactions. Outside of work, I’m passionate about creating lasting memories with my family and discovering new places through travel.
Darlene C
Insurance Biller (She/Her)
Darlene C
I have over 30 years of administrative and customer service experience, with more than 17 years in the insurance industry and eight years as an agency owner. I truly enjoy helping people. My husband and I love to golf, camp, dance, and spend time with family and friends.
Devina S
Administrative Specialist (She/Her)
Devina S
I have 12 + years of experience in the revenue cycle from beginning to end. I have five children, 2 grandchildren, and 3 dogs. I advocate for women with heart failure and am an ambassador for my local hospital's LVAD program. I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, and eating good food in my spare time.
Diana M
Insurance Biller (She/Her)
Diana M
I have 35+ years experience in customer service and administration support. I try to make every customer a priority and their experience an enjoyable one. I love coming to work everyday but also love crafting, baking, renovating houses, and spending time with my 7 grandchildren in my free time.
Emily M
Assistant Billing Director (she/her/they)
Emily M
I've worked in the administrative side of the medical field for over 20 years. Growing up in a medical family, I was destined to work in healthcare, but my interest in numbers led me to the administrative side. I'm thrilled to have found a home at Humantold and am grateful for the opportunity to support both our clients and my coworkers!
Gayla L
Intake Assistant (She/her)
Gayla L
I find great pleasure in assisting those in need with sincerity of heart and integrity. My goal is to make sure all clients feel heard and valued. I have experience in the financial world ranging from management to customer service. I am passionate about personalized care and doing what I can to make someone's life a little brighter and better. When I am not at work, I love spending time with my family, traveling, and overall relaxing.
Jaime C
Intake Team Lead (She/Her)
Jaime C
Hi, I'm Jaime! I have over 10+ years of medical knowledge and experience working for major corporations as well as nonprofit organizations in various roles. It brings me great joy to assist clients anyway possible because healthcare is my absolute passion. I am EKG certified and fluent in American Sign Language.
Jasmin G
Intake Assistant
Jasmin G
Hi! my name is Jasmin, I am an Intake Assistant with a passion for helping others, I thrive on connecting individuals with the resources they need. With an eye for detail and a friendly demeanor, I ensure a smooth and welcoming Intake process for every client. I believe the first impression matters. Outside of work, I enjoy playing the piano, cooking, spending time with friends and family. Which helps me to maintain a balanced and fulfilling life. I am always eager to learn and grow, both personally and professionally. -
Joan T
Insurance Biller (She/Her)
Joan T
With 16+ years of experience, my expertise includes handling insurance claim submissions, denials, appeals, audits and patient billing with accuracy and efficiency. Throughout my career, I have worked closely with healthcare providers, insurance companies, and patients to ensure timely and accurate claim resolution. My goal is to support healthcare organizations by maximizing reimbursements, maintaining compliance and ensuring a smooth billing experience for patients and providers.
Kailyn L
Insurance Biller (She/Her)
Kailyn L
"Be yourself, but always your better self" - Karl C Maeser.
Living by this motto, I strive to be organized and positive while practicing commending teamwork in the work environment. Working in the billing field has always been an exceptional fit for me, as I am overly detail oriented and appreciate structure. I care to do my job properly while making everyone's day a little brighter. -
Katie Y
Insurance BIller (She/Her)
Katie Y
I have over five years of experience in medical billing and a proven commitment to patient advocacy and support within the insurance-client interface. I have extensive experience in the mental health industry and I take pride in my dedication to professional excellence and working diligently to ensure the highest level of patient satisfaction. I embrace challenges and welcome opportunities to help!
Kaylee F
Intake Assistant
Kaylee F
I have a passion for helping people. With years of experience in customer service assisting clients which brings me great joy putting a smile on someone’s face. I have a background in the automotive industry, teaching, and the medical field. I'm also CPR certified.
Kimber L
Insurance Biller (She/Her)
Kimber L
I have over 18 years of medical experience and over 3 years of medical billing knowledge to help provide the best service to clients. Helping to provide service and support for clients with handling the logistics of insurance billing. I currently handle Aetna and Cigna insurance claims.
Kimberly Z
Client Service Specialist/HR Assistant (She/Her)
Kimberly Z
With 15 years of experience in the banking and insurance industries, I'm a customer service powerhouse known for my meticulous attention to detail. As a busy mom of two boys, I've honed the ability to multitask and think on my feet - skills that serve me well in providing personalized, exceptional service to every client. When I'm not crunching numbers or helping customers, you can find me planning my next adventure, as I love to travel the world and immerse myself in new cultures.
Kristina U
Client Service Director (She/Her)
Kristina U
As a Client Service Director, I am committed to fostering strong, lasting relationships between clients and the company. I manage a team of agents who specialize in assisting clients with insurance and billing inquiries. By acting as a liaison, I ensure clients receive timely, clear, and accurate support while leading my team to provide exceptional service and resolve issues efficiently.
Laila N
Appointment Setting Specialist
Laila N
I have over 15 years of management, administrative and customer service experience. I've had the opportunity to work with various community based organizations, and nonprofits. I am dedicated to doing work that helps connect people to the resources they need and assist them on their healing journeys however I can. When I'm not working I enjoy spending time with my family.
Lanell J
Administrative Specialist (She/Her)
Lanell J
I have 20+ years of experience in customer service and administrative support. I truly enjoy solving problems and try to treat others the way I would like to be treated. I love spending time with my family, cooking, gardening, watching movies, hiking and exploring.
Lisa C
Intake Assistant (She/her)
Lisa C
Hi! My name is Lisa, and I have experience in multiple healthcare settings including urology and pediatric rehabilition! I take a compassionate approach to patient care, ensuring that the people I interact with feel fully supported and welcomed. Outside of work, I love reading, writing, exploring new interests, and playing with my dog.
Martina Z
Creative Account Manager
Martina Z
I bring over a decade of experience in strategic marketing and project management from the corporate world, which I now apply to advocate for mental health services. I am deeply committed to efficiency, fostering meaningful relationships, and approaching each day with a sense of humor.
Outside of my professional life, I enjoy traveling, climbing, hiking, and paddle boarding with my family.
Mary M
Insurance Biller
Mary M
I am married and I have 3 children, 9 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. I have years of experience in the medical field. I received my Associates of Science Degree in nursing in 1988, managed several medical clinics and owned several personal businesses. I have several years of billing experience and I really enjoying the opportunity of working for Humantold. -
McKayla H
Client Success/Retention Specialist (She/Her)
McKayla H
I am passionate about helping others and strive to make each client feel valued and cared for. When I'm not working, I enjoy spending quality time with my husband and daughter making meaningful memories. I have four years of experience in the medical field where I've had the privilege of helping others and making a positive impact.
Melissa M
Administrative Specialist Team Lead
Melissa M
"Wait upon the Lord, He will renew your strength" Isaiah 40:31 I have found out that if I treat others with respect and kindness, I will receive the same. I have 19+ years of experience in Administrative Services, including Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. I enjoy my work here at Humantold and am very thankful for the opportunity to continue to do what I love.
Melissa M
Intake Director (She/Her)
Melissa M
I have an extensive background in customer service, tech, and the wellness industry, with a passion for connecting people. I lead my team by cultivating a shared vision of helping clients understand their insurance, while empowering them to explore their mental health and gain the support to thrive. Outside of work, I enjoy yoga, art, and spending time with my dogs. My diverse personal and professional background has enabled me to make a meaningful impact every day at Humantold.
Nancy P
Intake Assistant Director (She/Her)
Nancy P
I have been a dedicated member of the Humantold Intake department since 2020, and I find great fulfillment in supporting our clients – past, present, and future! I also support the partnership/b2b department through building connections with outside organizations. When I'm not assisting clients, I'm usually at home tending to my garden or cooking nourishing meals to keep my body and mind happy and healthy.
Rachel P
Client Service Specialist (She/Her)
Rachel P
I bring over a decade of dedicated customer service expertise, along with degrees in Office Administration and Medical Office Administration, specializing in Medical Front Office. I'm passionate about providing top-notch service and seamlessly blend my academic knowledge with practical experience to ensure efficient, client-focused solutions. I combine professionalism with a deep passion for personalized care. Outside of work, I enjoy spending quality time with my family and pets.
Ruby R
Intake Systems Specialist (She/Her)
Ruby R
I have been in the customer care field for over 10 years, exploring different industries. I appreciate cultivating connections within and without the working environment. When I'm not working, I enjoy yoga, hiking, snowboarding, knitting, and playing with my dog.
Stephanie C
Client Service Specialist (She/Her)
Stephanie C
I'm a client services professional with over 10 years of customer service experience and 8 years in healthcare. I'm passionate about delivering excellent service and solutions to meet the needs of clients. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my children, family game nights, and camping! I take pride in bringing a positive attitude and a commitment to excellence in everything I do, both professionally and personally.
Teresa M.M
Administrative Specialist (She/Her)
Teresa M.M
I have more than 20 years of administrative and customer services experience working in financial institutions and educational Services. I strive to deliver exceptional customer service with a positive attitude and love learning new things.