Homework for the Journey
From time to time, we all need to externalize and write out what it is we are going through, longing for, or have already overcome. Feel free to browse through our collection of resources
Consultation Questions
This worksheet will help you determine some of the questions you can ask during a consultation call.
Fair Fighting Rules
This worksheet assists with helping couples implement healthier communication techniques in order to foster compromise and resolution.
Basics of Gender Pronouns
This documents lists and discusses the basics of gender pronouns.
How to Start Meditating
This guide provides suggestions and ideas to assist with starting one's meditation journey.
Mindful Awareness
This documents provides ways to incorporate awareness and reflection into your daily routine.
Mindful Walking
This activity teaches ways to be more mindful, specifically when walking. This approach can be applied to any experience you choose, from the most mundane to the most sublime.
Observing Internal Experiences
This activity provides a strategy for gaining awareness of and distance from your emotions that to better process them.
Triggers & Actions List
This resource helps individuals identify triggers for certain behavior/emotions and assists with coming up with actions/coping skills to address them.
Daily Reflection: Strengths & Values
This activity is meant to help you acknowledge times you engage with things important to you.